The project has established technical cooperation with the following Brazilian institutions: National Health Foundation (FNS); Brazilian Ministry of Health; and Federal University of Roraima (UFRR).
Ulisses Confalonieri presented preliminary results of the project to the students and researchers in Earth Science who gathered at the First Congress of Students of the LBA Project (Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in the Amazon), which took place in the city of Belém (Brazilian Amazon), in early 2002. This was part of an effort to attract new students to the CRN.
During the first year of the project, Ulisses Confalonieri developed several activities with collaborators outside of Brazil.
A joint proposal FIOCRUZ/Medical School of the Republic University (Uruguay) called Analysis of Uruguayan Population Vulnerability to Dengue due to Climate Change was submitted to the IDRC (International Development Research Center) and has been approved.
A project proposal on Complex Indicators for the Evaluation, Modeling and Diagnostics of Climate and other Environmental
Components: Their application to Human Health was developed jointly with researchers from Bolivia and Cuba (PI: Paulo Ortiz Bultó) and submitted to the IAI Small Grants Program.
Dengue data from the city of Rio de Janeiro were sent to Marianne Hopp at the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI), at Columbia University (New York, USA). The aim was to help in the test of a global dengue/climate model developed by this investigator.
Malaria data for the municipality of Roraima were sent to Jessica Hartman, a student of Henry Diaz temporarily at NOAA/CDC (Boulder, Colorado). The aim was to perform a preliminary statistical analysis of the correlation between malaria and rainfall. Partial results are shown in the first year's research update on CHIEX. The interpretation of the heterogeneity of the findings will rely on an analysis of non-climatic factors, such as human migration; insecticide use, etc., which also influence the dynamics of malaria.