Archive of Forums

Year 2003

Background: Material presented as a rationale for the discussion
Summary: Overview of the contributions made to the dialogue
Dialogue: Contributions by participants posted in the forum

1. Mainstreaming Climate Information in the Americas

What are examples of information on climate extremes and public health in the Americas?
Consider information on

  • extreme climate events
  • socio-economic factors that contribute to impacts
  • possible adaptive strategies that mitigate impacts

Background  Summary  Dialogue

2. Request for Future Forum Themes

What are possible themes for future forums?

  • specific questions for discussion 
  • background information to be provided

Background  Summary  Dialogue


3. Earth System Science Education for International Health and Development

What topics in earth system science might be useful for educating the community in international health and development? Consider

  • needed topics
  • available resources
  • resources that could be developed

Background  Summary  Dialogue


4. Informatics for Models Used in Climate, Environment and Health

What information about models would make it easier for a larger community to apply them and to evaluate them? Consider 

  • intended use 
  • input data requirements
  • model output

Background  Summary  Dialogue


5. Climate and Remote Sensing: Research Priorities in Infectious Disease Control

What climate and remote sensing approaches should be research priorities in infectious disease control? Consider

  • methodological approaches for climate, remote sensing and disease control
  • general research priorities in infectious disease control

Background  Summary  Dialogue


6. Disseminating Information about Climate and Health

What are ways to expand routes of dissemination of information about climate and health? Consider 

  • objectives of dissemination 
  • input target audiences, both professional and general public
  • multiple media (newspapers, journals, television, internet)

Background  Summary  Dialogue



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