Progress Report as of December 2002


Climate Variability and Human Health Impacts in Brazil

The highlights are as follows.  

  • Characterization of a natural decrease in malaria incidence during ENSO years in northern Amazonia Brazil.
  • Development of a conceptual model on the social vulnerability of the population to the health impacts of climate variability in tropical America.
  • Assemblage in digital format of a large time series of malaria data (up to 40 years), on a monthly basis, that would otherwise be lost.

For more details, see:

Presentation (.ppt) for Brazil - Jan. 2003

Presentation (.ppt) for Brazil's Conceptual Framework - Jan. 2003

The presentations for the entire CRN for January 2003 may be found under CHIEX Publications. See the Presentations for 2003 at the IAI Meeting in Mendoza, Argentina in January 27-28, 2003.